How Dubstep Gets Domesticated

Pulsating at 140 bpm's, Dubstep is the witty brain-child of British staples Dub and Garage, which were popularized in London in the late ‘90s. NPR explains that shuffling rhythm combined with a layered amalgamation of "bass and sub-bass” is used to produce  “dark instrumental tracks better suited for head-bobbing than dancing."

When a person first starts listening to dubstep, he or she might find him or herself perplexed. Why does this music, which is must different from any American Top 40 or indie-rock tracks, on which I've been raised and taught to appreciate, resonate with me? Is it because I'm standing next to a subwoofer and my body is physically shaking?
People entranced by Dubstep's hypnosis will usually gravitate towards low-pitched, machine-like noises. They will emit verbal expressions of "Womp" or "Wobble" during random moments. They might confess to friends that they think Dubstep is the greatest music ever. Listen for statements such as, "Hey this song would be great if it was a dubstep remix," or "Hey I'm thinking of selling my laptop speakers and buying a second subwoofer." They will exhibit tendencies that suggest that they are attempting to integrate dubstep music into other more productive activities, reconciling the demands of the music with the demands of daily life.  This is the stage when dubstep begins to constrain an individual's subjective reality, and the individual attempts to compromise, domesticating his dubstep and giving way to an alternate reality.

A dubmestic life is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, you might think it's OK to be shuffling along to the latest Benga track while doing menial activities. Personally, I like to play Rusko's "Woo Boost" whilst doing laundry. But soon dubstep will reach the tipping point in a person's life, making even the simplest task into an impossible feat if unaccompanied by a little dubstep music.

Before the nation experiences this trend, I would like to set up a sort of base-camp where people can come together and document the phase in their dubstep relationship right before reaching the tipping point. Let's share the moments when dubstep was most prevalent in our lives, the honeymoon period, which is distinguished by listeners' attempts to live normal lives while integrating dubstep into their day to day activities. These attempts always prove futile, as it is a fact that dubstep cannot be subverted to anything productive and the task at hand will eventually denigrate into sweaty, up and down gyrations accompanied by palm-down hands simulating the track's many wobbles.