Feb 28, 2011

Dubstep! Crane Room! Midnight! Oh my...

First this....

WOhhhh...Dis baby cAn seriously ch0w d0wn while getting d0wn. SICK DOOD!

We here at DomeDub found this gem after checking out posts on the wall to this sweet facebook event. It actually looks like Midnight is making another valiant effort to put together a sweet event. Too bad the facebook event pages are more fun than the events themselves.

Here are some problems with dubstep nightz in Crane:
  • It feels like a highschool dance minus all the cool kids you went to highschool with who were at least ballsy enough to bring in flasks and J's into classroom facilities. Tufts doesn't accept those kinds of shady characters and even the ones who still manage to get in are not wasting their friday night at on-campus "party".
  • Not loud enough. Anyone can blast music, but to get concert-level wobbley bass filth vibrations, you need a lot of subwoofers. Like more than regular speakers. Plus the Crane room happens to be unreasonably huge and have shitty acoustics so idk...good luck. 
  • Cool people only like listening to dubstep in their houses ironically while doing chores or random inane tasks. They also like at when they're at a sick concert, the bass is wobbling peoplez' bladders like the time just before you pee your pants on the tilt-o-whirl when you were 6, and they're surrounded by other cool peoplez who are also seriously into the music and not just fans because they're ironic hipsters searching for the missing ingredient to their personal brand. 
Wrap up questions: 
    Do you like Dubstep?
    Will you attend Midnight (at Tufts)?
    Is Dubstep "over" now that everyone likes it?
    Do you think it's possible to forge a social clique out of musical tastes? 
    Who would you invite to come play at Tufts if you wanted people to like you?
    If you attend this event, will you add it to your dubstep show résumé to show how trend-savvy you are?

    Feb 27, 2011

    Pendulum Gets Remixed By Emalkay

    Emalkay recently released a filthy remix of Pendulum's hit track "Watercolour." Integrate this song into your next chore and see results instantly! Feel free to record it. 


    Feb 26, 2011

    Benefits of Dubstep

    Domestic Dubstep thanks user MarcoPolo for pointing us to his most recent messageboard post. In it, MarcoPolo explains the appeal of dubstep:

    "Dubstep is a financially-advantageous sonic structure which resonates the limbic frequencies of the hindbrain and aligns your root chakra with the 12th vibratory imprint emanating from the galactic core. Scientists, poets, and my neighborhood trashman are in professional agreement that Dubstep decreases your risks of colon cancer, cleans your teeth & gums of tartar buildup, and makes a great improvised parachute if you happen to be plummeting from a great height. It stays crunchy in milk, and contains Electrolytes™.

    Hence, Halliburton and its supporting organization (The US Government) have decreed in their 2007 year-end report that Dubstep will be the new marching music of the American Military in all subsequent peacekeeping missions, except where a full-moon is involved, as during full-moons dubstep turns ordinary Marines into were-wolves and Deepak Chopra readers into were-ferrets." 


    Also if you have yet to download Flux Pavilion's classic track "I Can't Stop," do it now: 
    Mediafire download link

    Feb 24, 2011

    Domestic Dubstep Presents: DUBHOUSE

    Walk into the dubbiest house in the Medford / Somerville area. I dare you. Just don't be surprised to find a scene similar to the one documented in the above video. We here at Domestic Dubstep understand what it's like when an entire house succumbs to dubstep. With no one left to maintain an even keel, things start going crazy. Think Ancient Rome right before it's collapse (Is it a coincidence that Nero was also an insane emperor who went crazy and contributed to the empire's eventual collapse?) Needless to say, this is a mecca for any true dubstepper, especially those who don't mind looking like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown because after you leave DUBHOUSE, you're going to be filthy.

    Feb 22, 2011

    Domestic Dubstep Presents: DUBVAC

    Q: What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?

    A: Where you put the dirtbag.

    Yeah, Domestic Dubstep is getting dirtier every day, especially with these kinds of jokes now getting posted routinely by our intern Stephen (Stephen cut it out!). Even the DUBVAC featured in this video can't suck up the amount of dirt that's gettting flung at us. So keep checking out the blog and submitting your videos of nice domestic activities getting made filthy by some serious dubstep.

    Special thanks to Mark Simons, Drew Walker, and Riley Griffin for being such sports in this smokeout of a video. Domestic Dubstep is happy to see that you're keeping it real, sucking up the hate, and spewing out ultra filthy videos of carpet getting clean.

    Feb 21, 2011

    DUBVAC is Coming

    Stay tuned folks. The next vid is gonna really suck! (like filthy suck)

    Feb 20, 2011

    Domestic Dubstep Presents: DUBCAKE

    Dirtier than the bottom of the porta-potty at a construction site, filthier than the scabies that line Courtney Love's snatch, comes this dank video: DUBCAKE. We here at DomeDub are all super excited about today's launch, which features a video created by our resident visionaries Nick Gang and Ross Solomon at their in-house studio. Officially titled "Ya Mutha's Mutha's Pride and Joy dubSPREADin," this video brings dubstep back into the kitchen yet again for some knife-spreadin' sloppiness.  Hope you like blue cheese because this stuff is moldy.

    DUBCAKE is Coming!


    DomesticDubstep's inbox just got a little bit filthier. Apparently the boys over at Gang/Solomon Productions are baking up a disgusting little viddy featuring some dank trax (Zeds Dead?!) and ill-nasty kitchen dance moves. Spread it baby.

    Feb 19, 2011

    Domestic Dubstep Presents: DUBSHAKE

    Imagine a world where our blenders really wobbled. DD presents DUBSHAKE (in Hi-Def).

    DomeDub's First Ever User-Submitted Video ft. Alpacas!

    Kevin Lipman, a DJ by night and Tufts University student by day apparently loves tending to his family-owned-and-operated alpaca farm. When he realized he could set his animals' movements to dubstep, he nearly had an aneurism.

    I think it's safe to say that for most blogs, the Excision and Downlink track would be filthy enough. But when combined with some sick footy of a pack of wild Alpacas and this video's grime level is taken to a whole new level. Featuring a dog trampling, a loogie, and a fleet of unified marching alpacas, I feel bad for anyone who confuses these beasts for llamas. Thanks for the video Kevin! Your flea-ridden swamp dankness of a video fully warrants the honor.

    Feb 13, 2011

    DUBSHAKE is Coming

    Just wanted to let people know that the first submission to Domestic Dubstep will involve pure, filthy dubstep with a frothy protein shake.

    Feb 10, 2011


    The site is finally live, I'd just like to thank Riley Griffin, Mark Simons, Drew Walker, Ross Solomon, Nick Gang, Adrian Williamson, Vicky Cai, Tim Nelson, Brendan Hawkins, Kara Miranda, Maximus Marderius, and Sam Costello for encouraging me to get this thing off the ground. Now we finally have a site dedicated to the millions of ways Dubstep makes any inane task or responsibility that much better.

    1. Do something domestic. It could be anything. Washing dishes, vacuuming a coffee table, watering flowers, frying steak, whatever.

    2. Set it to Dubstep music. It could be anything. The latest Mt. Eden remix, Flux Pavilion, Rusko, Caspa, Skrillex, Datsik, Skream, Benga, whatever.

    3. Tell me, CJ Saraceno, about it through video, sound, or music. Send in submissions to the site's own email account: DomesticDubstep@gmail.com.